brica1.ros のソースコード

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


This module containes classes for ROS integration.


__all__ = ["ROSAdapter"]

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import copy
import numpy

# BriCA imports
from unit import *

# ROS imporets
import rospy
from std_msgs.msg import Int16MultiArray, MultiArrayDimension

[ドキュメント]class ROSAdapter(Unit): """ `ROSAdapter` is a BriCA `Unit` which is intented to provide a bridge over the ROS Publisher/Subscriber and BriCA `Agent`. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, name="BriCA1 Node"): """ Create a new `ROSAdapter` instance. Args: None. Returns: ROSAdapter: a new `ROSAdapter` instance. """ super(ROSAdapter, self).__init__() self.inputs = {} self.states = {} self.results = {} rospy.init_node(name, anonymous=True)
[ドキュメント] def setup_subscriber(self, topic, msg_type, id, length, converter): """ Setup a ROS subscriber Args: topic (str): a topic to subscribe to. msg_type (msg): incoming message type. id (str): a string ID. length (int): an initial length of the value vector. Returns: None. """ self.make_out_port(id, length) def callback(data): self.get_out_port(id).buffer = converter(data) rospy.Subscriber(topic, msg_type, callback)
[ドキュメント] def setup_publisher(self, topic, id, length): """ Setup a ROS subscriber Args: topic (str): a topic to subscribe to. id (str): a string ID. length (int): an initial length of the value vector. Returns: None. """ self.make_in_port(id, length) pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, Int16MultiArray, queue_size=10) def callback(data): msg = Int16MultiArray() = data msg.layout.dim = [MultiArrayDimension("data", 1, length)] pub.publish(msg) self.get_in_port(id).register_callback(callback)
[ドキュメント] def connect(self, target, from_id, to_id): """ Connect an out-port of another `Unit` to an in-port. Args: target (Unit): a `Unit` to connect to. from_id (str): an out-port of the target `Unit`. to_id(str): an in-port of this `Unit`. Returns: None. """ super(ROSAdapter, self).connect(target, from_id, to_id) from_port = target.get_out_port(from_id) to_port = self.get_in_port(to_id) def callback(data): to_port.sync() to_port.invoke_callbacks() from_port.register_callback(callback)