Source code for brica1.component

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module contains the `Component`, `ConstantComponent`, `PipeComponent`, and
`NullComponent`. A `Component` is a unit of implementation which can exchange
any type of data with another `Component`. `Component`s together with `Unit`s
are collectively reffered to as `Unit`s.


__all__ = [
    "Component", "ComponentSet", "ConstantComponent", "PipeComponent",

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy

# BriCA imports
from .unit import Unit

[docs]class Component(Unit): """ `Component` is an abstract class for implementation units. Subclasses must override the `fire()` method to specify its implementation. See the sample implementations, `ConstantComponent`, `NullComponent`, and `PipeComponent` for reference. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self): """ Create a new `Component` instance. Args: None. Returns: Component: a new `Component` instance. """ super(Component, self).__init__() self.last_input_time = 0 self.last_output_time = 0 self.offset = 0 self.interval = 1000 self.sleep = 0 self.inputs = {} self.states = {} self.results = {}
[docs] @abstractmethod def fire(self): """ Perform a calculation. Users must override `fire(self)` method to define a new sub-class of `Component`. `fire(self)` method implements a function of the form results, states <- fire(in_ports, states) which states that this method should be a mutator of these two member variables (`results` and `states`), and the result of the computation should solely depend on the values stored in (`in_ports` and `states`). One important note here is that it shall mutate results member variable and not `out_ports`. Values stored in `results` will automatically be copied to `out_ports` by the scheduler which calls `update_output()` method of this Module, so these must be visible and accessible from other Modules. This procedure is especially necessary in concurrent execution of multiple Modules to avoid contention. Args: None. Returns: None. """ pass
[docs] def train(self): """ Perform a training iteration Returns: None. """ pass
[docs] def set_state(self, identifier, value): """ Set a state value for the given ID. Args: identifier (str): a string ID. vvalue (any): a state value to set. Returns: None. """ self.states[identifier] = deepcopy(value)
[docs] def get_state(self, identifier): """ Get a state value for the given ID. Args: identifier (str): a string ID. Returns: any: a state value for the given ID. """ return self.states[identifier]
[docs] def clear_state(self, identifier): """ Clear a state value for the given ID. Args: identifier (str): a string ID. Returns: None. """ del self.states[identifier]
[docs] def set_result(self, identifier, value): """ Set a result value for the given ID. Args: identifier (str): a string ID. value (any): a result value to set. Returns: None. """ self.results[identifier] = deepcopy(value)
[docs] def get_result(self, identifier): """ Get a result value for the given ID. Args: identifier (str): a string ID. Returns: any: a result value for the given ID. """ return self.results[identifier]
[docs] def clear_result(self, identifier): """ Clear a state value for the given ID. Args: identifier (str): a string ID. Returns: None. """ del self.results[identifier]
[docs] def input(self, time): """ Obtain inputs from outputs of other Modules. This method collects the outputs of connected modules and sets the values to the in-ports. It is usually called by the scheduler. Args: time (int): the scheduler's current time. Returns: None. """ for identifier, in_port in self.in_ports.items(): in_port.sync() in_port.invoke_callbacks() self.inputs[identifier] = deepcopy(in_port.buffer) assert self.last_input_time <= time, ("collect_input() captured a time" " travel") self.last_input_time = time
[docs] def output(self, time): """ Expose results to `out_ports` This method exposes the computation results from `results` to `out_ports`. It is usually called by the scheduler. Args: time (int): the scheduler's current time. Returns: None. """ for identifier, out_port in self.out_ports.items(): if identifier in self.results: out_port.buffer = self.results[identifier] out_port.invoke_callbacks() assert self.last_output_time <= time, ("update_output() captured a" " time travel") self.last_output_time = time
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the component state This method resets the internal time of the component for reuse. Args: None. Returns: None. """ self.last_input_time = 0 self.last_output_time = 0 self.offset = 0 self.interval = 1000
class FunctorComponent(Component): """ `FunctorComponent` is a wrapper for simple component definition by allowing users to define the behavior without overriding the fire method. """ def __init__(self, function, use_state=False): """ Create a new `FunctorComponent` instance. Args: function (callable): a function to implement to this component. Returns: FunctorComponent: a new `FunctorComponent` instance. """ super(FunctorComponent, self).__init__() self.function = function self.use_state = use_state def fire(self): if self.use_state: self.results, self.states = self.function(self.inputs, self.states) else: self.results = self.function(self.inputs)
[docs]class ComponentSet(Component): """ `ComponentSet` groups components to fire sequentially """ def __init__(self): """ Create a new `ComponentSet` instance. Args: None. Returns: ComponentSet: a new `ComponentSet` instance. """ super(ComponentSet, self).__init__() self.components = {} self.priorities = {}
[docs] def add_component(self, identifier, component, priority): """ Add a `Component` for given ID and priority Args: identifier (str): a string ID. component (Component): a component to add for `identifier`. priority (int): a priority value for scheduling. Returns: None. """ self.components[identifier] = component self.priorities[identifier] = priority
[docs] def get_component(self, identifier): """ Get a `Component` for given ID. Args: identifier (str): a string ID. Returns: Component: a `Component` corresponding to the ID. """ return self.components[identifier]
[docs] def fire(self): """ Fire sub-components based on priority Args: None. Returns: None. """ order = sorted( self.priorities.keys(), key=lambda identifier: self.priorities[identifier]) for identifier in order: component = self.components[identifier] component.input(self.last_input_time) component.output(self.last_output_time)
[docs]class ConstantComponent(Component): """ `ConstantComponent` copies states to out ports. Use `set_state` to define the output of this Module. """ def __init__(self): """ Create a new `ConstantComponent` instance. Args: None. Returns: ConstantComponent: a new `ConstantComponent` instance. """ super(ConstantComponent, self).__init__()
[docs] def fire(self): """ Copy state contents to results. Args: None. Returns: None. """ for identifier in self.states.keys(): self.results[identifier] = self.states[identifier]
[docs]class PipeComponent(Component): """ `PipeComponent` copies contents of in ports to out ports. """ def __init__(self): """ Create a new `PipeComponent` instance. Args: None. Returns: PipeComponent: A new `PipeComponent` instance. """ super(PipeComponent, self).__init__() = []
[docs] def set_map(self, in_identifier, out_identifier): """ Map from in-port to out port. Args: in_identifier (str): port identifier to map from. out_identifier (str): port identifier to map to. Returns: None. """, out_identifier))
[docs] def fire(self): for in_identifier, out_identifier in self.results[out_identifier] = self.inputs[in_identifier]
[docs]class NullComponent(Component): """ `NullComponent` does nothing. """ def __init__(self): """ Create a new `NullComponent` instance. Args: None. Returns: NullComponent: A new `NullComponent` instance. """ super(NullComponent, self).__init__()
[docs] def fire(self): """ Do nothing. Just return. Args: None. Returns: None. """ pass